ליצירת קשר לחצו
דף הבית
נושאים מדעיים

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Continuation of the chapter 8

The way of the nations

4) Letter from “France to Ishmael”

If you are the last one to whom I address myself, it is perhaps because you suffered the most from the rejection of all your brothers, that you liked so much. You liked them and you like me, because you loved our Abraham father, of whom our multitude is the proof even of confidence that we can grant to the Lord God. He is God of the promise, and you are the first who be able to testify some, since you are the one to whom he gave the wells in heritage. With the passing of centuries these wells, dug in the rock and sometimes the desert, of which you drawn your water, are transformed into oil well, but if they are always source of your life, because it is not any more water which you draw of them, must we say, they are not wells?

Just like towards your Isaac brother, I have for you a great friendship and a deep repentance to have so long time let  believe to you  that you did not make party of my family, whereas you were a first born. Under pretext that you were born from a maidservant, should I keep you away from this descent, whereas I am only one adoptive child?

I want on the contrary to congratulate you of your perseverance near your Agar mom, and the honor that you carry in she, you of whom I am not necessarily worthy!

I also have for you, your uncles and your cousins, deep repentance in connection with the bad testimony that I was for all of you, a long time ago, as I write it today to your Isaac brother in these times called crusades, and so few years ago through the behavior of the colonists who were born from me, who behaved sometimes so badly toward you.

I was not always informed of that, this is why I congratulate you, not to have held rigor to me of it, and to have known to sacrifice for me many from your children on the altar of the hostilities, which were these wars called world war. You are a valorous people and I am grateful to you to come to visit me still today through your exiled children, even if some of mine are the detractors of them.

I am grateful to you, for not to have resentments against my brothers on the other side of the Atlantic, who make the war to a share of your people. Therefore I keep in me the hope that the way that we traversed together, will not let of too indelible scars, despite everything my mischievousness of yesteryear.

For my part I keep of this time, a languor that merges in regrets, because we were a same people. If our ways moved away a time, it was perhaps so that you would be free to return towards me of your own accord as a brother this time.

I bless you Ishmael, you and your descendants.

The breath of our God is on you and yours!


Beginning of chapter

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CHRETIENS DE L'ESPOIR, 2 Impasse Saint Jean - 26110 - VINSOBRES - France.

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Following chapter
דף הבית של ספרים הפרק הבא